이사회(Council) 2 페이지

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이사회(Council) 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
9 학술 윤덕근 (Dukgeun Yun) / 학술위원장 (Papers Committee co-Lead) 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 10-05 4698

윤덕근 (Dukgeun Yun) / 학술위원장 (Papers Committee co-Lead)

▶ 한국변호사 / Trowers&Hamlins
▶ SCL Korea 학술위원장(공동) / Papers Committee co-Lead

윤덕근 변호사는 트라워즈 앤 햄린스(Trowers & Hamlins LL)의 국제 인프라 부동산 팀(International Infrastructure and Real Estate team)의 시니어 어쏘로 두바이 사무실에서 근무하고 있고, 코리아 데스크의 핵심 멤버로 활동하고 있습니다. 윤변호사는 14년 이상 다양한 분야의 자문과 분쟁을 경험해 왔으며, 건설 분쟁과 행정법 분야에서 전문성을 쌓아 오고 있습니다. 트라워즈 앤 햄린스에 합류하기 전에는 알타미미(Al Tamimi & Company) 두바이 오피스에서 3년간 한국기업들을 위해 중동의 다양한 법적 문제들을 해결하였고, 2011년부터 2019년까지는 법무법인 율촌에서 8년간 건설자문, 건설분쟁, 행정소송, 행정심판 등 다양한 송무 사건들을 수행하였습니다. 2017년에는 핀센 메이슨(Pinsent Masons) 건설팀(CAD)에서 파견근무를 하기도 하였습니다. 현재 영국 건설법학회(Society of Construction Law)와 영국 공인중재인협회(Chartered Institue of Arbitrators)의 회원이며, 최근 설립인가를 받은 한국 건설법학회(SCL Korea)의 학술위원회 위원으로 활동하고 있습니다.

Dukgeun is a Senior Associate in the International Infrastructure and Real Estate team of Trowers & Hamlins LLP based in Dubai and core member of the firm’s Korea desk. While he has over 14 years’ extensive court experience in a wide range of industries and types of disputes, his practice focuses on construction claims and complex construction disputes and administrative law matters. Dukgeun also has advised on a number of major stakeholders on various construction contracts, O&M and concession agreements in respect of a variety of infrastructure building and development projects. Prior to joining Trowers & Hamlins, he worked for Al Tamimi & Company for 3 years. Before coming to the Middle East, he was a Partner at Yulchon, where he represented clients in domestic court proceedings in Korea and had been seconded to the London office of Pinsent Masons assisting with various construction dispute matters. He is a member of the Society of Construction Law in the UK and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb).
8 영문 임정주 (대표, ㈜The TEAM) / 교육위원장 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 03-12 4739

임정주 (대표, ㈜The TEAM) / 교육위원장

임정주 위원장은 현재 The TEAM의 대표로 재직중이며, 클레임, 계약, 리스크, 스케줄 관리등의 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 건설업에서 20년이 넘는 기간 동안 SK건설, 롯데건설, 삼성물산 등에 근무하며, 플랜트, 건축, 인프라 등 다양한 분야에서 프로젝트 경험을 쌓았습니다. 저서로는 공기연장 클레임 실무, 국제건설에너지법 이론과 실무 제2권 (공저)이 있으며, EDRC (서울대 엔지니어링개발연구센터), 충북대학교, 한국VE연구원 등에서 많은 강의경험을 가지고 있습니다. 특히 Delay와 Disruption의 전문 분야에서 다양한 서비스를 제공하고 있으며, 실무적인 교육프로그램을 운영중입니다.

Mr. Jung Joo Im is The TEAM Co. Ltd.’s Chairman and CEO. With a vision to grow The TEAM as a global leader in project management, Mr. Im oversees The TEAM’s operations and executes short- and long-term strategic plans. Over his 20-year career span in the construction industry, Mr. Im has been standing by his clients to successfully deliver complex and high-profile construction projects. Mr. Im’s experience encompasses a wide variety of market sectors including oil & gas facilities, power plants, large commercial & residential development, telecommunication and infrastructure around the world including Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Mr. Im witnessed construction projects which focus on the cost management often neglecting a series of risks arising from a poor time management. As an industry veteran with a specialty managing time risks factored in contracts, claims and construction, Mr. Im offers The TEAM’s service to provide clients with a comprehensive project management service through each phase. Prior to founding The TEAM Co. Ltd., Mr. Jung Joo Im was Team Leader of SK E&C’s Contract Prime Team. Mr. Im is a director of Society of Construction Law Korea. Mr. Im is currently teaching Schedule/Risk Management in Chung-Book University.
7 감사 김재경 (Jae Kyoung Kim) / 감사 (Audit) 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 03-12 5066

김재경 (Jae Kyoung Kim) / 감사 (Audit)

▶ 책임매니저 / 현대건설
▶ SCL Korea 감사 / Audit

현, 현대건설 ‘건축사업본부’ 책임매니저 재직
현, 현대건설 사상 최대 해외 빌딩공사에서 ‘Contracts Manager’로 근무
‘해외현장지원팀장’, ‘PRM팀장’, ‘공정클레임팀장’ 역임
26년 사내 경력 중 다수 국가에서 클레임, 분쟁 관리, 리스크 관리 업무수행
사내 전문 컨설턴트 과정 Technical Profession Programme(TPP) 이수
서울 소재 대학에서 ‘건설 계약 및 분쟁 관리’ 주제 강의 경력

Mr. Jae Kyoung Kim is a general manager of Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. ("HDEC") and currently executes a role of 'Contracts Manager' in the recorded biggest building project in HDEC history. He had experienced 'leader' of various Headquarter teams, i.e. 'Overseas support team', 'Project Risk Management team', and 'Planning & Dispute resolution team'. Among 26 years of experience, he has various overseas project experiences, which includes litigation, arbitration, claim and risk management issues. Mr. Kim has qualified as the in-house consultant having gone through the Technical Profession Programme(TPP). He has carried several lectures for students of Universities in Seoul for the last few years, regarding the topic of 'Management of Project Contract and Dispute'.
6 감사 이호 (Ho Lee) / 감사 (Audit) 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 03-12 5292

이호 (Ho Lee) / 감사 (Audit)

▶ 책임 / GS건설
▶ SCL Korea 감사 / Audit

Karbala Refinery Project, Iraq의 Deputy Project Manager로 근무중이며, 대림 엔지니어링, 대림산업 그리고 GS건설에서 25년 동안 재직하며 Project Engineer, Project Control Manager 그리고 Contracts Manager 업무를 담당하였음. Project Engineer 및 Project Control Manager로 근무하는 동안은 설계, 구매, 공사 그리고 시운전을 포함한 해외 Project의 전반적인 업무를 수행하였고, Contracts Manager 근무 중에는 계약서 검토 및 작성, 대 사업주 및 하도 업체 Claim 작성 및 방어 업무 그리고 2017년부터는 회사내 교육 과정인 “Contracts Management” 과정의 교재 개발 및 강의를 3년간 수행하였음. 최근 15년동안 수행한 Project는 Sohar Aromatics Project, Oman (USD 1.2 Bil., 2006 ~ 2009), Ruwais Refinery Expansion Project Pkg. #2, UAE (USD 3.2 Bil., 2010 ~ 2016), Petro Rabigh Turn Around Project, KSA (USD 138 Mil, 2019 ~ 2020) 그리고 Karbala Refinery Project, Iraq (USD 6 Bil., 2020 ~ 현재)임.

Mr. Ho Lee is currently working as a Deputy Project Manager for the Karbala Refinery Project, Iraq. During the last 25 years, he has been working in Daelim Engineering, Daelim Industrial and GS E&C and has been in charge of Project Engineer, Project Control Manager, and Contracts Manager.
While working as a Project Engineer and Project Control Manager, he performed the overall business of overseas projects including Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning. Based on such experience, he has shown outstanding performance in the field of created and defended claims against business owners and subcontractors, and contract preparation and review when performing Contracts Manager.
In addition, based on this experience, for the “Contracts Management” course, an in-house training course, he has continued to develop textbooks and performed lectures since 2017.
He has conducted several project in the last 15 years including Sohar Aromatics Project, Oman (USD 1.2 Bil., 2006 ~ 2009), Ruwais Refinery Expansion Project Pkg. #2, UAE (USD 3.2 Bil., 2010 ~ 2016), Petro Rabigh Turn Around Project, KSA (USD 138 Mil, 2019 ~ 2020) and Karbala Refinery Project, Iraq (USD 6 Bil., 2020 ~ present).
5 사무국 정우철 (Woochul Jung) / 사무국, 학술위원 (Secretary, Papers Comm.) 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 03-12 5331

정우철 (Woochul Jung) / 사무국, 학술위원 (Secretary, Papers Comm.)

▶ 프로 / 삼성엔지니어링
▶ SCL Korea 사무국, 학술위원(겸) / Secretary, Papers Committee

건축공학(공학사), Project Management(경영학석사), Construction Engineering(공학석사).
FIDIC에서 Contract Module(#0,1,2,3&4)에 대한 교육 인증을 받은 FIDIC Certified Engineer.
삼성에서 해외 EPC 계약관리 및 스케줄관리를 주 업무로 근무 중.
Planner로서 8년간 중동, 남미, 동남아 프로젝트 수행.

Majored in Architectural Engineering(B.S), Project management(MBA), and Construction Engineering(M.Eng).
FIDIC Certified Engineer trained by FIDIC for Contract Modules (M#0,1,2,3&4).
Working at Samsung as a Contract Manager for the main task of Contract Management and Schedule Management in overseas EPC.
Before Contract Manager, He worked as a Scheduler in several projects of the Middle East, South America, and South East Asia for 8 years.
4 교육 박희상 (Hee Sang Park) / 교육위원 (Education Committee) 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 03-12 5407

박희상 (Hee Sang Park) / 교육위원 (Education Committee)

▶ 부장 / 한화건설
▶ SCL Korea 교육위원 / Education Committee

박희상 위원은 현재 한화건설 플랜트사업본부에서 계약관리 파트장으로 근무하고 있습니다. 현대건설, 현대엔지니어링, 한화건설에서 29년 동안 재직하며 해외 법무 및 해외계약관리 업무를 담당하였으며, 현대엔지니어링 법무지원부 부서장과 한화건설 계약관리팀장을 역임하였습니다. 중동, 동남아 등 해외건설 프로젝트의 입찰서류 검토, 계약협상, 개설 현장의 계약적 현안 및 클레임 업무를 수행하였으며, 사우디, 쿠웨이트에서 4년간 현장과 지사에서 근무를 한 바 있습니다. 국내외의 다양한 프로젝트 수행을 통해 프로젝트 입찰, 수행, 완공 단계에서 발생하는 계약적/법적 이슈에 대한 실무 경험을 가지고 있습니다.

3 학술 한민오 (Mino Han) / 학술위원장 (Papers Committee co-Lead) 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 03-12 5831

한민오 (Mino Han) / 학술위원장 (Papers Committee co-Lead)

▶ 한국/영국변호사 / 법무법인 피터앤김
▶ SCL Korea 학술위원장(공동) / Papers Committee co-Lead

한민오 변호사의 주된 업무분야는 건설∙부동산∙금융 관련 소송, 국내∙외 건설중재 및 해외건설 프로젝트 관련 자문 등입니다. 특히 한 변호사는 2017-2018 년에 King's College London에서 건설법 및 분쟁해결에 특화된 MSc 석사 학위를 취득하면서 "The meaning and scope of ‘consequential loss’ exclusion clauses - A comparative law analysis between English law and Korean law"라는 제목으로 학위 논문을 제출하여 최우수 등급(distinction)을 부여받았습니다.
□ 법무법인 피터앤김 파트너 변호사
□ 고려대학교 글로벌건설엔지니어링 대학원 겸임교수
□ 성균관대학교 로스쿨 강사
□ 대한상사중재원(KCAB) 국제중재 중재인
□ Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb)

Mino Han has acted as counsel in various international arbitrations conducted under the auspices of the ICC, SIAC, KCAB or JCAA. Mino specializes in construction and engineering disputes. The relevant projects underlying the disputes were each based in the Middle East, Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa or Latin America and concerned the design and construction of combined cycle power plants, solar power production facilities, refineries, high-rise buildings, convention centres and infrastructure facilities. Mino has also vast experience in representing contractors in Korean court or KCAB domestic arbitration proceedings. He also regularly advises clients on issuing or defending claims arising out of standard form contracts including the FIDIC Suite of Contracts. Mino majored in law at Seoul National University (LL.B., 2006), after which he passed the Korean Bar Exam in 2006 and qualified as Korean lawyer in 2009. He also received a Master of Laws degree in international arbitration law from Seoul National University in 2012 and a Master of Science degree for Construction Law and Dispute Resolution at King’s College London in 2018. Mino’s MSc dissertation entitled “The meaning and scope of ‘consequential loss’ exclusion clauses - A comparative law analysis between English law and Korean law” was awarded with a distinction grade. In July 2019, Mino was admitted to the roll of solicitors in England and Wales.
2 대외협력 김수연(Sue Kim)/대외협력위원장(International Liaison Committee Lead) 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 03-12 5839

김수연(Sue Kim)/대외협력위원장(International Liaison Committee Lead)

▶ Director / HKA
▶ SCL Korea 대외협력위원장 / International Liaison Committee Lead

김수연 위원장은 현재 런던에서 Expert Witness 팀 상무로 근무중이며, 유럽, 중동 및 아시아 지역 건설 프로젝트 관련 소송 및 중재 사건에서 Quantum Expert로서 업무를 수행하고 있습니다. 지난 20년간 세계적인 해외 건설 시공사 및 클레임 전문회사들의 런던 사무실에서 근무 경험을 바탕으로,공사비 보상 청구 관련 (quantum claim) 다양한 전문성을 보유하고 있습니다. 최근 영국 변호사 (바리스터) 과정 (Bar Professional Training Course)과 자격시험을 수료하였으며, Quantity Surveying (영국 학사, Reading University), 건설 계약 및 중재 (영국 석사, King’s College London)과정에서 학위를 수료했습니다.

• 공인 감정사 (Accredited Expert Witness), 영국 왕립 평가사 협회(Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), 영국 전문가 협회 (The Academy of Experts), 대한상사중재원(KCAB International)
• 국제중재 중재인 (Arbitrator), 대한상사중재원(KCAB International)
• 국제중재 중재인 및 조정인 (Arbitrator and Mediator), 아시아중재원(Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution)
• 국제중재 중재인 (Arbitrator), 사우디중재원(Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration)
• Liveryman, 영국 중재인 협회 (Worshipful Company of Arbitrators)
• Adjudicator, 영국 건설 협회 (Construction Industry Council)
• Fellow 및 중재인, 영국 공인중재인협회(Chartered Institute of Arbitrators)
• Fellow, 영국 왕립 평가사 협회(Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)
• Barrister (non-practising, The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple)

Based in London, Sue Kim is in charge of SCL (Korea) International Liaison Committee Lead. She is a Chartered Quantity Surveyor (FRICS) acting as quantum expert witness (MAE and RICS-registered) with 20 years’ experience in the construction and engineering industry. She has been recognised by Who’s Who Legal Construction Expert Witnesses and has been appointed as a Quantum Expert Witness in litigation, international arbitration, adjudication and mediation, acting for both employers and contractors. She specialises in the preparation and independent review of claims and defences concerning disputed variations, prolongation and disruption under various standard and bespoke construction and engineering contracts. She has provided commercial management, expert witness and dispute resolution services to numerous clients throughout the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia.
She is a registered expert determiner (RICS) and an adjudicator for Construction Industry Council (CIC) and UK Adjudicators. She is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators, a member of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple and listed on panels of arbitrators for KCAB, LCIA, SCCA, QICCA, VIAC, THAC, AIADR and CIArb..
1 홍보멤버쉽 편영준(Yeong Joon Pyeon)/홍보멤버쉽위원장(Publicity Committee Lead) 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 03-12 5894

편영준(Yeong Joon Pyeon)/홍보멤버쉽위원장(Publicity Committee Lead)

▶ Senior Director / FTI
▶ SCL Korea 홍보멤버쉽위원장 / Publicity Committee Lead

해외건설분야 총 40년 경력 중 사우디, 러시아 및 태국 등 해외현장 근무 경험과 해외법무팀에서 16년 이상을 근무하며 IPP/ PPP 사업을 포함하는 해외 건축, 토목 및 플랜트 공사의 다양한 해외건설계약서 심사, 계약협상, 해외현장 현안 해결, 클레임 분석 및 협상 타결 지원 업무를 수행하였으며 현재는 컨설팅사인 FTI Consulting사에서 Senior Director로 근무하고 있음.
□ 대한상사중재원 중재인
□ 대한중재인 협회 이사

Domestic Relations Committee, Yeongjoon Pyeon, Head of committee, currently working at consulting firm providing Construction Solutions, has over 36 years of experience in the international construction industry, working at construction contractors in Korea. For the last 18 years he has worked in the legal department of a major Korean EPC Contractor and, as the head of overseas legal, led a team comprised of lawyers, engineers and claim consultants, principally engaged in reviewing ITB documents for international construction projects; providing legal/contractual advice; participating in contract negotiations; developing processes for IPP/PPP projects with contractor’s equity participation; and reviewing claims. YJ has broad experience in identifying and mitigating contractual risks, providing suitable business solutions in pursuit of commercial excellence, auditing contract and claim management systems established at project sites, and in the dispute resolution and litigation process. YJ is has worked on a wide variety of projects in many countries and different sectors. He applied his international construction law knowledge and contract management skills to identify contractual issues that most complex projects are facing and suggested solutions to overcome the difficulties in number of ways available in the contracts. He is also capable of providing suitable business solutions in pursuit of commercial excellence, auditing contracts and claim management systems and advising clients in dispute resolution process.
게시물 검색

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